Some photo fun!!

SO... I thought it might be fun to play a little on this blog.  :)  I truly believe that supporting others and being kind in business is essential.  There are lots of "rules" when it comes to photography and running a successful business.  I, unfortunately (or not so unfortunately, perhaps), don't follow most of those rules.  I sincerely believe that you get what you give, and that it isn't necessary to push anyone down for me to be successful.  In that vain, I've decided to add two things to this blog.

1.  Monthly, I will feature edits from a few of my favorite photographers.  We will all edit a photo, each in our own style.  Sometimes, they may look similar, sometimes they may look different.  We'll just see... no matter what, I think this will be fun!  It's so interesting to see, and learn from another photographer's eye.  

2.  Monthly... I will edit a reader's photograph.  Any photograph.  I know what it's like to look at someone's blog and wish that I could take one of my own photos - a picture I took of my nephew in our backyard - and make it "pop."  It took me quite awhile to learn how to do that, and I'd love to share that with you.  If you have a photo you'd like me to edit and feature on the blog, email it to me.

Now onto the fun!  You may remember William.  How handsome is he!?!  I've asked some of my studio-mates to jump start the fun by editing this as they would if it were their own.  As you can see, we all have similar natural styles.  But... there are subtle differences.  I truly believe that photographers use their artistic eye when editing photos.  My style tends to be bright (and what I would call "fresh").  When I edited William's photo, I was thinking about brightening the colors a little, while adding a slightly vintage feel. BUT... I love what Jessica did to make William's eye's pop.  I also like how Casey cropped the photo to close in on him.  I love how Lexie seemed to just enhance the colors that were already there, and Joy's image reads sweetly antique to me - perfect considering his stylish hat!  Honestly... it's so fun to see what these amazing ladies did to the same photo!!  Stay tuned for next month!  And, don't forget, if you have a photo you'd like me to edit and post, email it to me!!

SOOC (Straight Out Of the Camera)

This is what I did with William's photo:


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