I can't stop myself...

Hello... my name is Leah and I'm an impulse buyer.   (Que all to respond with "Hello Leah").  It's true.  I'm saying this with my head hanging low, but my heart soaring high because I do love a good impulse buy.  I could spend today blogging about balance, or my lack-therof, and how I need to find a way to set aside time for me, for my family, yada yada yada.  But gosh, that doesn't sound nearly as fun as talking about shopping!  I will share... this weekend, I did get to hang out with two amazing people, spend some time on Saturday taking photos of my BEAUTIFUL niece (who just turned one!! check her out here), then stayed in the studio to take photos of an adorable little guy, hang out with some of my favorite people on Saturday night (their family photos to come next week!), and then cap my weekend off with a FUN FUN FUN shoot of these adorable girls who are now 6 months old!!  Honestly... it was a perfect weekend filled with things I love.  Which brings me to the end of my weekend... and my "problem."

I love Ikea.  I don't know why.  It's sort of ridiculous.  I'm not sure if I love the prices, or the style, or the showroom, or the ridiculous stuff you can find there... maybe all of those things.  I headed to Ikea on my own (which is NEVER a good thing) after my final shoot.  I had three things on my list:  office curtains, whiteboard for my office, curtain rod.  As I entered that beautiful blue building, I was swept away in the goodness that Ikea brings.  I won't bore you with the details of my shopping trip, I'll just share what I walked out with:  office curtain fabric, two curtain rods, office whiteboard, comforter, duvet, a bonsai tree, AND a wok.  That's right friends... a wok.  Let me preface with... I have no need for a wok.  I have plenty of beautiful pans that can create the same dish as a wok.  In fact, I don't eat/make stir fry all that often.  But... in the moment, I NEEDED that wok.  It was $5... I mean c'mon... who doesn't need a $5 wok!?!  As I approached the kitchen area... that wok was daring me to walk by and not purchase it.  If you know me... I never walk away from a dare... so in my shopping cart it went.  (side note... what is up with those crazy shopping carts at Ikea!?!  Honestly... those wheels are nuts-o... I feel like I'm trying to control a race car driving entirely too fast around a corner.  I'm the lady who tries to make the turn, but the cart keeps going straight and I have to do this crazy cross step to get my cart to agree with me and actually go in the direction I'd like it to.  Honestly Ikea... shopping carts are only supposed to have 2 wheels that turn, not 4!!  Now back to the wok).  So... on my way home, wok packed delicately in the back seat, I realized... what am I going to do with a wok?  Moreover, how am I going to explain this wok to Jeff?  Inspiration struck me... tonight... we will use this beautiful new wok to make Szechuan green beans tonight!!  And... said green beans would NOT be delicious unless they were made in a wok, of course!  When I got home, I unpacked the car, and placed the wok on the counter.  Jeff walked over, looked at it, asked what it was, why I thought I needed it (duh... for the green beans!!), and where I was going to put it.  I informed him it was only $5 and it would, of course go in the cupboard... we have plenty of space now after the kitchen reno!  As we sat down to eat the wok fried green beans... Jeff kindly looked at me and calmly said... "Do you think you're an impulse buyer?"  What!?!  Me!?!  "Umm... no.  I'm just efficient.  When I see something that we need, instead of waiting to purchase it, I buy it on the spot and save us the extra trip back to the store."  Jeff responded, "Oh, ok.  Just curious."  "FINE!!  You're right!!  I have an impulse problem!  I know... I didn't NEED the wok, but what the heck.  It was $5 and I thought... hey, why not treat myself a little?  I've been working my butt off lately and I just thought I could splurge and buy myself something... just because I wanted to.  Gosh... get off my back already!"  And then... we laughed.

So... I'm taking it one day at a time... and would appreciate your support.  I do have to share, however, that Jeff LOVED the new curtain fabric and the new duvet (and the green beans!!).  He is, however, just now finding out (as he reads this) that I also purchased a comforter.  Didn't you love it as you snuggled up under it last night babe?  I knew you would.  ;) 

A quick photo of the new curtain fabric... and the duvet.


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