Thankful Thanksgiving...

One of the greatest things about being back in Minnesota is family. We got the opportunity to spend time with both sides of the family this Thanksgiving weekend and I was thrilled to be able to capture a few photos of some of my favorite little people! Here are some of my favs from the Pitzenberger gathering.

Colby lost TWO teeth that day!

Kaiden opening a Birthday present.

Miss Ella and Ava... can you tell they're sisters?

Ella thought Tootsie needed to smile.

Think Toots is good with kids?

This is such a "Colby" picture. He honestly is one of the most thoughtful little boys I know. This is NOT a posed picture. I looked out the window and he was just sitting out there by himself enjoying the view. What a doll!

Crazy Kaiden! He is so much fun...

... and yet so sweet.

Love that face!

Could you ever say "no" to those eyes!?!

Caught red-handed!

Tootsie wanted in on the action, and so nice of Kaiden to share.


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